Some Samsung Galaxy devices are not eSIM-compatible, our 7G app will notify you if your device is not e-sim compatible. Before the purchase.
If your device supports eSIM follow the steps below.
Step 1 - Copy Activation Code
After the purchase of the e-sim a guide to active will pop up. Tap active now, Tap manual input and follow the instructions.
Copy the activation code from the app.
Tap Settings.
Tap Connections.
Tap SIM manager.
Tap Add eSIM.
Tap Scan QR code.
Tap Enter activation code.
Paste the activation code you copy.
Step 2 - Set Label
After the eSIM is activated , we need to set label to our eSIM, follow the step:
Go back to SIM manager
Tap on eSIM
Tap edit name and icon
We recommend to call it eSIM 7G
Step 3 - Activate Mobile Data
Active mobile data and data roaming :
Go back to SIM manager
Tap mobile data enable it
Choose 7g eSIM
Step 4 - Active Data Roaming
Tap settings
Tap connections
Tap mobile networks
Enable data roaming
Step 5 - Set APN (Optional)
CHECK if you need to update your APN by opening the 7G app and viewing your eSIM.
If the message displayed in the APN field reads The APN is set automatically, no further action is required.
If there is text in the APN field, you must update your APN manually.
GO back to Connections.
TAP Mobile networks.
TAP Access Point Names.
TAP Add.
ENTER the new APN in the APN field.
ENTER 7G as the APN's label in the Name field.
LEAVE the other fields blank
TAP the three-dot menu in the upper right corner
TAP Save.
Your eSIM should automatically connect to a supported mobile network. You can also watch and follow the Samsung Galaxy manual eSIM installation instructions in this video: